Saturday, October 13, 2007

Oktoberfest in OC... OK, maybe not

Bobby's brother and some friends were going to an Oktoberfest celebration in Huntington Beach tonight and invited us along. I went to Oktoberfest in Munich a few years back and I've been dying to go again and bring Bobby along. I didn't know how this one would compare, but I was prepared to give it a shot.

I got all dressed up - I should have taken a picture I looked so good. We hadn't eaten yet, figuring this was taking place at a restaurant and there would be food. When we got out of the car in the parking lot across the street we could hear the oom-pa-pa band playing, and the chanting. I could see the smoke from a grill. It sounded like it would be a really good time.

Then we discovered there was a line.

I realize it was a little naive to think that there wouldn't be a line, but we just hadn't thought about it. We peaked near the front of the line and discovered there was a $15 cover. Umm.... that's kinda steep, does it cover food? I sent a text message to find out.

Then we took a look at the length of the line. It was ridiculous - would take at least an hour, if not two. It looked as though they were letting people in as others were leaving, and though people were leaving regularly, it would still take forever.

We had not expected this. I was not interested in paying $30 just to get inside and then overpay for drinks and food. We are in the middle of starting a new business, and trying our best to be frugal, and have been doing very well so far. So we decided to forego this particular event, and come again another year. Went home and made dinner instead.

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