Thursday, May 29, 2008


I was at the supermarket the other day and the smell of the strawberries made my mouth water. I hadn't even gone to look at them - just walking by I could smell them. They must be in season now, because you couldn't possibly find strawberries this fragrant if they were not. I had to buy some, and my in-season suspicion was confirmed when I saw how cheap the usually expensive berries were. As soon as I started my car the smell had permeated the air, and I drove home smelling strawberries.

Bobby and I have not been able to stop eating them all week. I think we've had vanilla ice cream with strawberries every night, and I've had them with yogurt and granola every morning. They are so tasty and smell so wonderful right now, I can't get enough of them. Now I have to find a recipe for Strawberry Shortcake...

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